Fashion Friday: Friendspiration!
I appreciate all the interest in my SOYJOY giveaway! I have randomly chosen two lucky winners out of the 152 entries received. And they are…
…Jentry and Amy! Thanks for entering ladies and I will be contacting you for shipping information!
Now let’s do this – it’s Fashion Friday! I get lots of fashion inspiration from friends, both “real-life” and blend. You may call it copying, I call it flattery 😉 of course not every friend’s style is one I try to emulate. What works for one lovely lady may not work for this girl. But what I love about fashion is that it’s so on-display, always available for viewing, just begging to be emulated. And it’s even more fun to rock a statement piece seen on a friend first – after all, models ALWAYS look good in that stuff. But to see a girlfriend wear something risky and pull it off gives me more confidence that I can do the same!
So on today’s Fashion Friday, I want to show you a few looks that were definitely friendspired.
Braid: courtesy of Heather
Tee: VS Pink
Shorts: Nordstrom Rack
Sandals: Birkenstocks
I wore this outfit while hanging out with Heather during one of her visits. If you know Heather at all, you know she’s all about the boho braids. So naturally while we were getting ready to take on our day, I asked her to give me one! I’m pretty inept at braiding my own hair, so it’s a treat when I’ve got someone around to do so for me. I love the braided look. Thanks Heather!
Tee: VS Pink
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Watch: Michael Kors
Ring: Forever 21
Shoes: PacSun Outlet
I wore the outfit above to judge the CT Farm to Shaker cocktail competition and was quite nervous to do so. I purchased the UO shorts on sale in Baltimore and had no idea whether or not I could pull them off. However, I was inspired to buy them and try out the look in the first place in part thanks to my fashionable blend Jess. I adore following her #ootd on Instagram (she’s a must-follow for fellow fashionistas) and she rocks daring looks like this all the time!
I also was with my sister Hannah when I bought the shorts, and she is usually more fashion-forward than me, and gave them her stamp of approval. I’ve seen her rock a similar high-wait shorts-tucked-in look and that also gave me courage to go for it!

My mom, and Hannah in her shorts!
Finally, you may recognize this last outfit from my recent Millwright’s Tavern review. But you ALSO may recognize it from my recap of my weekend in Tennessee…except I wasn’t the one wearing it! Nope, that honor goes to my twino/blend Meg, who was rocking the dress in honor of the Vols.

I miss her 🙁
I joked to my Vols-obsessed father that I totally needed the dress to wear in honor of UT. And what do you know – he agreed, and got one for both my sister and I! We may be just a bit spoiled.
Dress: Vineyard Vines (on sale right now!)
Sandals: Francesca’s
And there you have it – fashion friendspiration for Fashion Friday. Because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! And now I’m off to plan what I’m wearing the rest of the weekend…including tomorrow for a VERY special girl’s day/night at Mohegan Sun with my blend Maria!
What kind of person do you draw most of your fashion inspiration from – celebs/models or people you know?
What’s your opinion on modeling looks after those you see on friends or family members? How about when someone models their look after one of yours?
Which of this week’s three outfits is your favorite?