5 Benefits of Extended Winter
The idea for this post came to me last night as I was reflecting over parts of my week that probably would not have been “possible” given the fact that Boston had snow over the last few days, and was also STILL in the 30’s and 40’s. Winter’s ugly face has been sticking around for longer than anyone would like, but in an effort to stay positive, I started brainstorming the benefits of winter’s extended stay. I thought five benefits would be perfect for Five Things Friday.
1. Hot yoga feels way more satisfying. Days have been extra-dreary and that fact has made me look forward to CorePower Yoga Sculpt classes a few times a week all the more. I’ve even tried getting there a few minutes early so I can just lay on the mat and sweat in serenity. (Sweating while laying on your back is much more pleasant than sweating while doing a bunch of jump squats.) And when I exit class, the wintery temperatures actually feel…refreshing! For a few minutes at least.
2. Extended red wine season. I like red wine all year round, but it really is so much more cozy when enjoyed in the winter! This past Wednesday I went to Citizen Pub with a friend, and to visit my friend and bartender extraordinaire Laura. I ended the evening with a glass of Primus Malbec, and let me tell you it tasted extra fantastic given the fact that it was disgusting, rainy, and cold outside.
3. Leggings season continues! Oh, it’s too gross outside to wear anything except boots? Guess I’ll have to keep wearing leggings. Guess I’ll have to pair them with a flowy top. Twist my arm.
4. Binge-watching is more acceptable. I’ve finally gotten to a stage where I’m OK with sitting still longer during my free time, and just vegging out. This resulted in me getting through True Detective and Girls ridiculously fast. Once the weather gets nicer, tales of TV viewing will be met with exclamations of, “I can’t believe you weren’t outside enjoying the day!” Until then, my tales will be met with a lot of “Oh me too!” and “Ugh I didn’t move from my couch.” Yeah, me neither.

Can’t. Stop. Watching. Parks & Rec.
5. Manhattan season is also extended. OK so I drink Manhattans year-round, kinda like red wine, but drinking one outdoors on a sunny patio sure feels weird sometimes. A warm restaurant or bar, while the weather outside is frightful, is a much more fitting scene.

Look ma no hands!
Well some of those were a reach, and two of them had to do with alcoholic beverages, but winter in general results in higher consumption of those. Trust me, I work in wine, I know. Anyway, it’s going to be in the 60’s this weekend, so hopefully this post will mean nothing in a few days! Because despite these “benefits” of winter, I still would MUCH rather have high temps.
Can you relate to any of my positive things resulting from extended winter?
Any to add?