Running a bit behind today. Busy, busy! But it’s OK because it’s a four-day week! Anyone else have Friday off?

The American Lung Association hosted their annual Hartford Stair Climb at the Hartford 21 Tower this past Saturday, and I participated for my second year in a row. ALA New England has done a ton for me – not only am I very, VERY anti-smoking, but they provided me with amazing market research and social media experience when I was an e-Philanthropy Intern for them in the Summer of 2010.
The old crew after happy hour at Margarita’s in East Hartford at the end of the summer!
One of my supervisors that summer, Britney Martin (in the black pants, above), was my team leader (we were the misFITS) and also organized the entire event! She did an AMAZING job. Britney is also a talented writer – check out her work!
Pre-climb #PlankADay #PROOF
I woke up before I had to head out for the climb, and took advantage by doing a home upper body and ab workout. 30 minutes later I was done, and finished it off with a little FitFluential #PROOF – of course 😉
I nommed on a banana with PB&Co Mighty Maple PB, and headed out to pick up my co-worker, Kasie, who kindly agreed to join our team after I started my fundraising efforts at work. I swear, I am still blown away by my co-workers’ support for me in this climb!
The event was extremely well-organized. Kasie and I checked our coats (boo for cold, rainy, dreary weather headed back to CT) and lined up to climb. Climbers were staggered by 20 seconds, and we were to climb 36 flights of stairs. For a StepMill lady like me, should have been no problem! And it wasn’t.
Had to cheese it while climbing.
I finished in 6 minutes even. I have no idea what my time was last year, so I can’t compare. However, I’m sure I was faster this year. How? Well, last year I was actually the most hungover I’ve ever been in my entire life and coming fresh off a rough night, in which I lost my driver’s license at a bar. You’ll be glad to hear I have not had another night like that one since!
Proof I made it to the top! (35 floors plus one "ground/lobby" floor).
I was glad I had Kasie to hang out with at the event. We took a photo at the top to share with our co-workers!
Rocking my shirt from last year!
Before we left, we of course had to go get our 2012 Climb shirts. We both wore them to work today! I love wearing “race shirts” right after a race. But I have to be honest – I don’t often wear them again!
Headed to work this morning – yes, we have a very casual dress code.
Whole Foods was also there handing out plenty of goodies. I LOVE FREEBIES! I’ll be tweeting how I like these.

Of course I hung my number up in my increasingly-decorated cubicle! Right next to my 5K PR number from the Santa’s Run in December.

Thanks to Britney and the rest of ALA New England for putting on a great climb for a good cause!
Do you keep your race numbers? How about race shirts – do you actually wear them ever again?
Have you ever done a climb of any kind?