We have a great group of family friends that get together for every major holiday (every major excuse we can find to get together, more like it) to eat, drink, chat, laugh, play, and just enjoy each other. We all moved up to CT from Florida, so we have that common bond, even if all the parents don’t still work at the same company like they used to.
Oh that moment before a photo is taken…
You may have read recaps of past shindigs:
There we go! Can you find me?
My family decided to host the Easter get-together (because we knew there’d be one) at our house. Perhaps that’s what inspired me to become a chef for a day and contribute a dish!
Mr. Pereda contributed the above (delicious) Chilean Merlot.
I also enjoyed several small glasses of different wines, and even a sampled a few beers (more on that to come…)
Hanging out on the deck with my wine! Isn’t the little glass cute?
I also got to hang out with my friend Andrea, who I hadn’t seen in forever. We’ve known each other since our sophomore year of high school, when we were seatmates in AP Bio (shudder…I was so bad at that class). Her boyfriend’s aunt lives in my neighborhood (I used to babysit for the family, small world right?) and the two of them were there for his family’s Easter party, so I asked them to stop by.
Andrea and her boyfriend enjoying a dessert at the end of the party!

My mom had some tasty apps set out and ready for our guests’ arrivals!
I know I have a lot of guac-lovin’ readers!
The sweets were present from the beginning!
Our friends brought some good apps too!
Essential veggie/hummus plate – don’t you just LOVE the colors?!
Mrs. Aubuchon’s famous deviled eggs – I had one and it was all I could do to not fill up on them before dinner. AMAZING!
Time flew as I caught up with old friends and before I knew it, dinner was served.
My sister (right) leads a prayer.
Mashed potatoes and a cheesy corn casserole.
A mini-salad-bar on a plate of sorts, and a whole grain side salad!
Everyone dug in and was certainly hungry. We did not have that many leftovers, when you consider how much food we had!
Can you spy my mom overseeing it all?

We had many meats – grilled chicken and pork tenderloin! My mom accidentally bought 8 tenderloins instead of 6, so she froze 2 for our family to use later. Turns out she should’ve had my dad cook them all up…we ran out of meat completely!
My apologies to all non-meat-eating readers 😉
My mom used the rub I got in my last foodie pen pals box when prepping the meats – so thank you so much, Loy! It was delicious!

My FAVORITE dish of the party, prepared by my madre, was the amazing cold salmon platter above with dill, capers, asparagus, red onions, and tzatziki on the size. Meg, I know you’d have died over this. I did too. It was the only thing I had seconds of because it was the only thing I wanted seconds of, I just loved it so much!
First plate!
Damn sun ruined this shot, but I went for everything except the mashed potatoes and corn casserole (those make me too sleeeeepy).

People brought a seemingly endless supply of cupcakes! Cupcakes are cool but I can take them or leave them. I was more interested in one of the things pictured below…

Above left is some kind of berry crisp, but above right is Mrs. Aubuchon’s famous chocolate Coca-Cola cake. Yes, Coca-Cola is an ingredient! This is the only time you will find me consuming soda 😛 I had one of those nice corner pieces (corners are the best!)
Great job, mama!
What a fun party – everyone had a blast and we only just finished the leftovers last night! Or shall I say, I only just finished them last night 😀 oh, I also passed out after this thing at about 8:30PM. THANKS WINE.
Cupcakes – take them or leave them?
Pieces of cake – aren’t corners the best?!
What’s the best thing you ate on Easter Sunday? Even if you weren’t celebrating Easter!